© 2010 Company Name. All rights reserved.
STOP, what you're doin', 'cuz I'm about to ruin, the Image of Fitness that You're used to... !
Now's your chance to take all those assumptions of Exercise/Fitness that so many "Boot-Fit-Cross-Camp-experts" regurgitate these days as if they were etched on stone tablets and accepted universally as the only truth worth considering AND bump them off that seemingly un-scalable wall and watch them come crashing down like Humpty himself, 'cuz Friends, no two people are the same, and for best results, maybe no two workout programs should be the same. Maybe,what you need is a little one-on-one, individual attention and Trainers who "ask", then "listen" more than they "Bark-And-Rah-Rah" ?!? Now, maybe you're ready for a real PHYSICAL-DIFFERENCE...
So, is this the DIFFERENCE you're looking for?
To this end, we’ve invested a great deal of time, energy, assets and over 40 years of Training & Gym Management Experience to open the new PHYSICAL DIFFERENCE Fitness Center; a professionally equipped, complete, Private Fitness Studio, specializing in Personal Fitness Training, Multi-discipline Classes (Body-MEKANIX) and Unique, Effective Women's Self-Defense Classes (F.E.A.R.), in an atmosphere perfectly suited for results. One-on-one results. Results that can last a lifetime.
As your partners in wellness and safety, our job is to teach you to become your own best “trainer”... (as for Self-Defense, Ladies, you already are your own best "weapon").
Your job is to make an equally important commitment to Yourself; to learn about all the equally important aspects of fitness that will contribute to your success and safety: strength, flexibility, cardiovascular, nutrition and stress management. Together, our commitment will be to make a real PHYSICAL DIFFERENCE in your life. We believe that fitness oughta' be fun and your satisfaction should be assured.
Got a question or comment?
We've Worked Hard to make Your Fitness Fun .
Check Out Our Methods
That's pretty much "IT" in a Nutshell...
So, NO Gimmicks, NO Tom-Foolery, NO Mularkey and NO Shenanigans (look 'em up if you want). Just a Fun, Professional Gym/Studio designed with your results as top priority. It's not "Sexy", but we're not supposed to be... we're just supposed to put you FIRST (then, you can go be Sexy if You want?!? Curious? Interested? Look further at our TRUSTIMONIALS page, or, check out our METHODS page to see what we can do for You. Made up your mind?
Send us a quick note using the form to the right or call us at (815) 243-6824.
Monday-Friday 6am - 7:30pm CST
Saturday... 6am - 12pm CST
Sunday... OFF for Family & Fun
(You should be too!)
The Cure for The Common Gym.
Come Visit our All New Facility
Now in Highcrest Centre... Across from Edgebrook
Over 40 Years of Staff Experience
Your Safe and Sane Approach to Fitness Results
"The BEST feeling is
what I can do now,
that I couldn't
just 2 weeks ago."